Monday, June 4, 2012

Cabin Garden Update: Sick Salvia, Compost Construction, & A Happy Harley

     Well, two weeks after the exciting moment of planting the cabin garden's first flowers, our not-so-purple salvia (seen above) are now in intensive care.
     I knew this would be a trial-and-error effort.  In the beginning, I worried about the deer liking the salvia as a food source.  It turns out the lack of gardening experience and knowledge turned out to be the real predator.  Looks like these flowers need more direct sun light.
     So the salvia that are seen above ready for transport so they can get some care and attention at home the next few weeks will hopefully become the vivid and healthy flowers they were just weeks ago.
     But my recent short stay at the cabin was not a complete loss. I did build a compost bin for when there are actually flowers in the garden.  It was a little bit painful dealing with the wire, and my hands suffered a few cuts trying to get the fencing unrolled and formed into a cylinder.  Eventually, it complied, but not before I sustained a few minor injuries. Guess this is one reason gardeners have gloves.
     And, as you can see from the video, nothing is ever a total bust when Harley is happy. She had a grand time running laps for some unknown reason as I try to figure out the next few steps for the slow-going garden.
     So, with a bunch of June festivities over the next few weekends, I will spend the respite away from the cabin nursing the salvia, collecting cut grass, and continuing my search for deer-resistant perennials that do well in the shade.
      Have a wonderful week :)




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