Saturday, June 28, 2014

Chicken & Spinach Tortellini Soup

      If you have ever read my blog, you might have figured out by now that I love crock pots.
     Not the bland white or silver kind, but the real crocks from back in the day, with their signature 70s~style fruits and veggies strewn all over the front of themThese are the real crock pots ~ and I can never have enough of them.
     Sadly, there is the tale of the loss of my very favorite crock pot.   And as grody as it is, I am going to retell of the day that oval-shaped, perfectly designed, hunter green pot was lost forever:(
     My big old Irish family spent a few years booking hotel rooms from the 8th floor of Philadelphia's Embassy so that we could have a wonderful view of the Saint Patrick's Day Parade that happens annually on a March Sunday.  The rooms were full of green, spirits, & plenty of food.  It was a crock pot addict's dream, and I brought my share of them filled with roast beef, meatballs, and chili.
    Well, some of the clan were smart enough to take personal days on the following Monday, but I never seemed to be able to bring myself to do it.  Instead, my own little clan got up and departed from the city around 5 am to go back to reality.  We didn't bother to clean the crock pots...we just threw them in a giant trash bag to deal with later.
     At the time, my brother and my family were both staying at my parents' home, but he was in the process of packing up and moving out.  Since we were in a hurry to get to work and school, we left the big giant trash bag full of dirty crock pots alongside his own bags of clothing and personal belongings he had sitting on the front porch.
     And then we totally forgot about them...
     Until one late May evening when I went searching for my favorite cooker in preparation for a surprise baby shower for a fellow colleague the next day.  
     It was then that I remembered that those three of several crock pots never actually made it into the house for over two months.  When I went to go get them and dare open the bag to God knows what smell, the bag was gone.
     My mother then realized the reason why the Purple Heart had left a "Thank You" card on the door that week ~ though I am not sure how grateful they were when they opened that particular "donation".
     I've never quite fallen in love with another crock pot like the one that either got trashed or completely sanitized before finding a new home in somebody else's kitchen.
     But my love affair with crocks is still going strong. 
     So today I diced up leftover grilled chicken, added two boxes of steamed spinach and a bag of vegetable and cheese tortellini, and threw everything into the crock with a giant can of chicken broth, now slow cooking beautifully on a low setting & ready to be chowed down with the baked pita chips served alongside of them.
             ~It's a wonderful Saturday.~

Friday, November 29, 2013

Adventures in the Kitchen: Blueberry Scones


     What can blue do for you?
     If you read my last blog, you know that my adventures in "reading" this month have focused on healthy eating and basically what should or shouldn't be going in to our bodies.  One such power food to add to the must-eat list are blueberries.
     According to my latest Adventures in Reading, blueberries may be small, but they are gifted with many naturally-packaged health benefits.  Besides being low in fat and calories, they are high in Vitamin C, manganese, and fiber, and they contain phytonutrients that give them anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.  (For more good news about blueberries, be sure to check out
     With the winter months ahead and plenty of tea to be sipped in front of the fire, I played with a twist on an Amish favorite I've baked many a time here at the cabin.  Not only do these Blueberry Scones feature one of the most nutritionally-potent berries, but they also contain a combination of coconut oil and plain Greek yogurt ~ two more foods that offer your body some good stuff.
     Now, as an eater and exerciser, I do my best to stick to the "80-20 Rule".  That is, if one is regularly disciplined in combining healthy dietary choices with an efficient workout plan 80% of the time, then 20% of the time one can feel free to indulge a little.  In this recipe you will find a little bit of sugar as well, which, per cookie doesn't amount to much. (I've given up any kind of artificial sweetener.)
    So, if you are one to enjoy a bit of a sweet treat now and then, this one's got a lot in its favor and in its flavor. Simple ingredients, easy to make, and perfect with a warm cup of tea:)
    Here you go: 

     Blueberries ~ 1 cup
     Coconut Milk ~ 1/2 cup
     Greek Plain Non-fat Yogurt ~ 1 cup
     Brown Sugar ~ 3/4 cup
     White Sugar ~ 3/4 cup
     Eggs ~ 2
     Butter ~ 1 cup, softened
     Whole Wheat flour ~ 5 cups (100% whole!)
     Baking Powder ~ 2 tsp.
     Baking Soda ~ 1 tsp.

     Turn oven on to 375 degrees.  In a large mixing bowl, add the Greek yogurt, butter, eggs, vanilla, and sugars. Be sure all ingredients have been mixed together thoroughly, then add the coconut milk and the blueberries.
     Combine the flour, baking powder, and baking salt in a separate bowl.  Once mixed, gradually add the dry ingredients to the large bowl with creamed ingredients.  (Keep flour close by in case you need to add a little more.  The dough should not be sticky.)
     Drop evenly about an inch apart by teaspoon on a baking sheet.  Bake for 10 minutes or until a light brown. Makes about 5 dozen scones ~ enough to last all week for you to grab in the morning, have for at your break, or enjoy after dinner.
     Now light a candle, put on the tea, grab a book, and serve these scones up with your favorite blanket.

~ Have a Wonderful Week ~

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Adventures in Reading? Master Your Metabolism

    Some time ago, I started a feature on the blog called Adventures in Reading.  The idea was to give me incentive to read more books, so I reasoned that starting a blog series would force me to sit and read more.
    That was some time ago.   

    I must confess, I am not someone to sit and read books much ~ and I've tried.
    (In fact, my effort has pretty much left me in awe of a third-grade classmate and reading fiend who cranked out about a hundred Scholastic paperbacks a month!)
    But, I do love a good story and learning new and sometimes life-changing information, so I have accepted that the best way for me to take it all is something different from the beautifully-bound books on the shelves of Barnes & Noble or even the popular and convenient Kindle.
     Instead, I listen to books on audio while I am busy about the cabin, or  when I am driving, cleaning, folding laundry, name it.
     My audio-listening program of choice is, which I came across as a book gift-giver and a workout DVD-buyer on Amazon.  There are different plans, but I opted for the free trial followed by a $14.95 per month fee, allowing me one monthly downloadable audio book and others at discount prices.  If I get one book per month (the credits get stored until they are used), I basically pay half price since a typical audio book goes for about $30.
     The first book I listened to, while painting my son's room one summer, was the incredible Left To Tell (featured in the above link). It inspired me to listen to its author, Immaculee Ilibagiza in person, and I now await the movie telling her unbelievable account of surviving the Rwandan genocide.  
     Since being hooked on Ilibagiza's New York Times Bestseller, I have taken in all kinds of interesting fare.
     This month, I am going with a completely different genre as I listen and re-listen to Jillian Michael's Master Your Metabolism.
     True, it may not seem like the best time of year to be listening to what might be considered a weight loss book.  With two weeks to go before Thanksgiving ~ and the whole sweet month of December ahead ~ reading a book about healthy eating may not seem altogether timely.
     But with every New Year being rung in with hopeful resolutions, I think it's a great time to do some homework on what should and should not be going in to our bodies from maybe the most trusted source in the business.
    In a nutshell, Jillian breaks the book down into three parts: Remove, Restore, and Rebalance.  She tells you what to get rid of, what to make as core foods, and the dos & don'ts throughout the day (how many meals, how far apart, how much sleep to get, etc.)  
     One of the reasons the audio book works here is Jillian's delivery.  She makes it easy to listen to explanations of the various hormones that, when thrown out of whack, can make feeling, looking, and being healthy from the inside out almost impossible.  I am not so sure I would have stuck with written version.  (With my reading track record...probably not.)
    Also nice about the download is that it comes with a PDF file that supplements the audio book with reminders and recipes ~ and even a shopping list so you have the right things on your shelves.
    I have listened once through and am about to begin again just to have a greater comprehension of some of the more involved explanations of the three and a half hour download.  I am definitely finding it worth the time.
     Thus, the audio book remains my "reading" of choice:)
~ Have a Wonderful Day ~
Related Links: 

Amazon Reviews of Master Your Metabolism
for your reading pleasure

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Game Day/Night Potato Skins


     So tonight's College Football match up between #3 Oregon and #5 Stanford sends us into Football Weekend mode just a bit early. 

      What better occasion to make these Game Day/Night Potato Skins to serve family and friends settling in on this fine fall evening to catch one of the week's most highly anticipated gridiron contests?

Here you go:

     This version is gluten-free and casein-free, but regular ingredients with either can easily be swapped in and out if neither of these food allergies is an issue for you or your guests:

          Potatoes ~ 16 medium, washed
          Butter ~ 2 to 3 tablespoons (I am using Earth Balance Buttery Spread)
          Cheese ~ 1 to 1.5 cups (cheddar or, if casein-free, use a package of Daiya cheddar-style, shredded)
          Bacon ~ 16 ounces of your preferred variety
          Green Onions ~ 1 stalk

     Begin by cooking the bacon, leaving the grease in the large skillet.  Set the bacon aside to blot on paper towels. (I always cook all the bacon to account for household bacon-lovers who slip a few strips while you are not looking.  Plus, I always give one or two to Harley.)
     Preheat the over to 425 degrees.  While heating oven, roll potatoes around in bacon grease, make a small slit on top of each, and set on cookie sheet.  Bake for 45 minutes.
     While baking, wash and chop the green onions and continue to protect bacon.  Set aside onions.
     When potatoes are baked, let cool for 10 to 15 minutes, then slice in half.  Scoop out the potatoes, leaving very little in each half. (Set aside this extra potato in a container to be used for hash browns in the morning or mashed with a dinner later in the week.)
     Melt the butter with a little bit of bacon grease (if desired) in a mug for 30 seconds or so in the microwave.  Using a spoon, pour a little into each of the potato skin "bowls", then sprinkle each with sea salt.  Put back into the oven for 8 to 10 minutes until crisp.
     When ready, take out of oven and sprinkle with cheese of choice.  I generally lay a quarter piece of bacon strip on each, but using bacon bits is also a good way to go.  Top with green onions and put back into oven.
     These house favorites will be ready in less than five minutes.  You can serve with sour cream, salsa, Greek yogurt, or guacomole:)

~ Have a wonderful football weekend~

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Crock Pot Cheese & Bacon Potatoes

     Football games just seem like a natural invitation to make food. 

   So, today, while Penn State battled Indiana, Tennessee took on Georgia, and my boys at Notre Dame prepared for Arizona State this fine Saturday College Football Game Day, I pulled out the crock pot and a sack of potatoes to make a hearty game-time side to go with our beautifully grilled chicken.

     Here you go:

     Potatoes ~ Six or seven medium to large (The Irish know a little
     thing or two about them:)
     Bacon ~ One Pound of Thick-cut
     Cheese ~ About two cups of any kind (in this case, I went 
                     dairy-free mozarella)

     Start with turning the crock on high.  In a skillet, cook the bacon on medium to low and set aside on paper towels, BUT leave the grease in the skillet.  I opt to dice up the potatoes, brown them in the bacon grease, then blot them before adding them to the crock pot.  (If this does not suit you, discard the bacon grease and use sunflower or olive oil ~ or something similar ~ to brown the potatoes instead.)

     I cut the bacon into halves or thirds (saving two or three strips for my dog Harley and a few to top the entire crock dish), then stir them in with the potatoes and two-thirds of the cheese.  Once stirred, I top everything with the rest of the cheese and remaining bits of bacon.  

     Cook for about 3 to 4 hours on high, or until potatoes soften, and serve with sour cream, chives, and any seasoning your guests may prefer.

~ Have a wonderful game day ~

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Crockpot Cheesesteaks

  "There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

     This is one of my favorite passages, and, right now, it is a time for football.

     Whether it's Saturday's college lineup or Sunday's NFL games, the crock pot is a great way to go if you want to kick back and enjoy the game line-up while having a delicious meal set on warm and ready to go.

     Crockpot Cheesesteaks are an easy favorite that you can twist according to your own personal preferences, including making it onion-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, or whatever ingredients you want to swap in or out.

     Steak-Umms ~ Two boxes
     Onion ~ Large
     Cheese Slices ~ 6 to 10 of your preference
     Rolls ~ One dozen
     Pizza Sauce ~ One jar
     Dippers (optional):  crackers, sliced Italian bread, triscuits, etc.

     I fully cook the meat, in crumbled pieces, and sautee the onions in a skillet, then I layer the beef, then the onions, then the cheese, and I continue to layer until crock is full. I set on High for about an hour, then turn it to warm for game time. I don't add the pizza sauce in (though you can), but I offer it as an condiment, along with some dippers, on the side.

For a list of dippers, check out last season's

Have a wonderful Game Day:)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Piece-of-Cake Pumpkin Muffins

     It's feeling so much like fall today, I went ahead with this simple recipe I saw on Facebook this past week.  All you need are two simple ingredients, and, in a half an hour, you have a dozen pumpkin muffins.

    Here you go:

    Pumpkin ~ One 15 ounce can
    Cake Mix ~ One box of yellow (regular or gluten-free)

    Set the oven to 350 degrees and line or grease a muffin pan.  Mix the two ingredients in a bowl and spoon them into the pan.  Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.  That's it!

~ Have a wonderful Saturday ~