Sunday, September 15, 2013

Crockpot Cheesesteaks

  "There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

     This is one of my favorite passages, and, right now, it is a time for football.

     Whether it's Saturday's college lineup or Sunday's NFL games, the crock pot is a great way to go if you want to kick back and enjoy the game line-up while having a delicious meal set on warm and ready to go.

     Crockpot Cheesesteaks are an easy favorite that you can twist according to your own personal preferences, including making it onion-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, or whatever ingredients you want to swap in or out.

     Steak-Umms ~ Two boxes
     Onion ~ Large
     Cheese Slices ~ 6 to 10 of your preference
     Rolls ~ One dozen
     Pizza Sauce ~ One jar
     Dippers (optional):  crackers, sliced Italian bread, triscuits, etc.

     I fully cook the meat, in crumbled pieces, and sautee the onions in a skillet, then I layer the beef, then the onions, then the cheese, and I continue to layer until crock is full. I set on High for about an hour, then turn it to warm for game time. I don't add the pizza sauce in (though you can), but I offer it as an condiment, along with some dippers, on the side.

For a list of dippers, check out last season's

Have a wonderful Game Day:)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Piece-of-Cake Pumpkin Muffins

     It's feeling so much like fall today, I went ahead with this simple recipe I saw on Facebook this past week.  All you need are two simple ingredients, and, in a half an hour, you have a dozen pumpkin muffins.

    Here you go:

    Pumpkin ~ One 15 ounce can
    Cake Mix ~ One box of yellow (regular or gluten-free)

    Set the oven to 350 degrees and line or grease a muffin pan.  Mix the two ingredients in a bowl and spoon them into the pan.  Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.  That's it!

~ Have a wonderful Saturday ~