Sunday, July 15, 2012

Adventures in the Kitchen: On-The-Go Crock Pot Mushroom Chicken

     An easy crock pot meal never goes out style, especially on days when the "to do" checklist runs long.
     So today, while running errands, I grabbed what I needed of the following:

     Chicken Breasts ~ 4 whole
     Cream of Mushroom Soup ~ Family-sized (I use fat-free)
     Milk ~ One & a quarter soup cans (I go with 1 % fat)
     Sliced Mushrooms ~ One 8-ounce package
     Pasta ~ One pound box
     With cleaning to be done, dishes to wash, and clothes to launder, I turned the oven to 350 degrees and turned the crock pot on low.  While the oven pre-heated, I poured the can of condensed cream of mushroom soup into the crock, then added one and a quarter cans of milk. (I went with 1 percent to keep it fairly light, but you can opt for skim, 2 percent or whole ~ whatever you have.)
     Once in the crock, I mixed the soup and milk well, sprinkled it with pepper, and put the lid on it.
     By that time, the oven was ready for the chicken breasts, which I put in and set the timer for 45 minutes.  I did some dishes and threw some clothes in the washer, then took fifteen minutes to wash and sautee the mushrooms.  I drained them, then sliced the finished cooked chicken and added them both to the crock, stirring well.
     So now I can finish my errands and, when everyone is ready to chow down, take a few minutes to make the pasta of choice (my personal favorite is Garden Delight Rotini) and heat up a veggie.
Another option is to go with rice or pieces of toast or bread instead of pasta. (And of course, you could always serve it with another one of my favorites, the pita.)

     Have a wonderful week :)
for Adventures in the Kitchen,
 in the Garden, & in Fitness

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