Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thank You!

    Sending a big Thank You to anyone who reads my posts, tries my recipes, watches my YouTube Channel, shares my love of movies, endures my fitness video addiction, or attempts to help me by sending gardening advice.
     I started this blog about 8 months ago on December 2, 2011 with my opening post, A Wonderful Life, and, today, the blog hit the 3,000 mark and the Cabin Chat YouTube Channel, which I began just over 2 months ago in May 2011, is on its way to the 1,000 milestone.
    Thank you for taking a moment to duck into the blog and check out some of the posts. Here are the top 5 posts from the past 8 months:
      #1   A Fitting Addiction
      #2   Sunday Game Day Platter
      #3  The Big Wheel Disaster of '78
      #4  The Cindy Crawford Workouts ( I just wrote this one!)
      #5  The Spirit of Christmas Past
      I may have had my share of personal trials this year ~ none of us are spared them ~ but blogging is always a joy for me, so I appreciate anyone who reads or watches anything I share :)
      And, no matter how tough life can get ~ and it can ~ it still is A Wonderful Life.

Have a wonderful day.

Fresh For Fall...
And Football Fans, don't forget to
check out the new Adventures in the Kitchen series
starting September 1st:Get Your Game Dips On!

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