Monday, December 12, 2011

C is For Cookie...G is For Giving

     In the classic film, It's A Wonderful Life, the days leading up to Christmas become increasingly overwhelming for the movie's main character, George Bailey. When things look like they are at their worst, he considers jumping off a bridge.

    Things can get crazy this time of year, but let's not get to that point or anywhere near it for that matter.  Instead, let's remember to take a breath, savor the moments, and enjoy our blessings.  They may not be here tomorrow.

    One friend of mine did just that yesterday afternoon.  For a few hours, she and her husband opened their home, where their guests enjoyed the senses, the sounds, and the spirit of the season.

    It was nearing five o'clock when I began to walk to their place to join the Christmas gathering.  The air was cold and fresh, and the falling darkness was lit up by the many different lighting displays sprinkled about the homes around the neighborhood. I breathed in the clean, crisp air as I looked at each beautifully decorated home.
    As I arrived to the party, a giant tote overflowed with Toys for Tots on the porch.  It was the first sign of giving, the very essence of the Christmas season.  Upon entering the house, I was greeted with warmth and hospitality that was followed by much laughter, plenty of conversation, and amazing food.

    The display of food was a gracious gesture of giving in itself, with turkey and ham and chutney and so many other dishes I couldn't begin to name.  Also dressing the table were incredible desserts, sweet concoctions, and all kinds of cookies.

    Now I'll admit that I heard Jillian Michael's voice as my eyes gazed over some of the most beautiful cookies I may have ever seen, so I didn't touch a single one.  They were greatly admired, however, and, in time, I will have my day to eat cookies this Christmas season.  But, as Aragorn declares before plunging into epic battle in the last of The Lord of The Rings movies, "It is not this day."

     When I left a few hours later, I walked back home thinking about what an uplifting time I and all of her guests had together.  How nice it was to stop for a little bit and just enjoy Christmas time with each other. 

     This little bit of time was so precious that even passing up the cookies there did not in any way leave me feeling deprived...but it did give me a thought that hopefully you will think about joining in on this week. It's a simple plan that may bring a smile to another's face, as well as a new kind of cookie into your kitchen.

    This week's blog is dedicated to a Christmas Cookie Swap:
     1) Find some time this very busy week to post or email a cookie recipe to share with others.  It
     does not have to be extravagant.  (Mine won't be, trust me.) If you don't bake, share the link with
     someone who likes to. To send the recipe, choose between the comment or email link right below
     this post.
     2) Once recipes have been posted, choose one to bake. But before you do...
     3) Go to the dollar store and buy at least one container, tray, or tin to put some of those cookies in.
     4) Give the cookies to someone who just may need a lift.  Make sure it it is someone who you would
     not think to give something to...someone who is not on your list each year. Maybe it's a lonely
     neighbor...or maybe it is your neighbor...maybe it's someone who has had a rough year....maybe it's
     someone who has been there for you in some way and you never thanked them for it...maybe
     it is someone underappreciated at work. Just pick a person who might need and welcome a small,
     kind gesture from you.

     Chances are ~ unless Jillian Michaels has his or her ear ~ they will probably enjoy those cookies.  But more than that, they are likely to be touched by the unexpected gesture of giving. It won't cost you much...just a few ingredients and a little time. 

      Have a wonderful Monday...and don't forget to share your cookie recipe this week :)


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