Friday, December 2, 2011

A Wonderful Life

     Everybody knows how much I love movies.  For as long as I can remember, I have been enthralled by the way a film could just put it all together ~ a cast, a script, a setting, a soundtrack ~ and leave a mark on your spirit that lasts a lifetime.  From The Wizard of Oz to Gone With The Wind to Pale Rider to The Lord of the Rings, I am amazed how entertaining, beautiful, and powerful movies can be.

     Just last week, over Thanksgiving break, one movie came up in three different conversations.  Only a few years ago, this classic could be found all over cable TV ~ perhaps even up to three or four times a day.  For that reason, most of my siblings seem to be able to quote almost the entire script.

     But now, It's A Wonderful Life isn't so easy to come by.  I am not complaining.  It became wildly popular after it's cable run and is now reaping its reward.  It comes on once a year I think, and it is also available in DVD (which I own.)

     If you haven't seen it, the film's hero is George Bailey, played flawlessly by Jimmy Stewart.  As a youth, he is energetic, ambitious, optimistic, and ready to take on the world.  But his best-laid plans don't pan out as expected, and, as the movie progresses, he encounters detours and challenges that ultimately lead him to consider that perhaps it would be better if he didn't even exist at all.

     I won't spoil the ending for anyone who hasn't seen it, but let's just say that Bailey ~ like most of us ~ was meandering through life not fully appreciating all that he had.

     Just over one week ago, the entire country took one day to reflect upon all our blessings and all that God has given us.  A week later, it is easy to forget all we stopped to say thanks for.

     With the everbusy season of Christmas upon us, it is tempting to take up our checklist of a million things to do and cast away the attitude of gratitude we took a moment to remember only days ago.  Don't.

     Stop today and look around you again.  What do you have?  Family, friends, a job, your health?  Not everyone does.  In fact, at any moment, the people and things we do have could be gone.  Actually, some day they will be.

     It IS a wonderful life.  Don't let the craziness of the month of December distract you from that.  The gifts will be bought and wrapped, the visits will be made, the cookies baked. Year after year, it all gets done.  But, year after year, you may not have the blessings that surround you this very day.

     Life is so busy right now that getting to the cabin this weekend doesn't even appear to be a likelihood.   But, on the bright side, I cherish that I have it to go to at all.  A few days spent there is worth the wait, and I am thankful knowing it will be there when life's duties lessen for a spell.

    So during a time when it is easy to forget the blessings we have, let's stop and savor them right now...and let's have a wonderful day.

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